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Goodreads: Reading with Friends!

Recently a friend of mine introduced me to the website It is a fun site where you can explore and share books that you have read, want to read…

Escape From Rome: Sperlonga

Escape from Rome: Sperlonga

Back in June, we had a Thursday off to celebrate a national holiday and while most people took off Friday and headed to faraway places, three friends and I opted…

Horn Of Africa Crisis

Horn of Africa Crisis

In recent weeks, there has been a growing buzz about the crisis in the Horn of Africa. Many of you may be unaware and granted I am more plugged in,…

Book Review: Getting Better

Getting Better: Why global development is succeeding and how we can improve the world even more, a book by Charles Kenny was released in March of this year and endorsed…

A Moroccan Dinner

A Moroccan Dinner

After almost two and half weeks of delay, a few friends and I got together for a wonderful Moroccan dinner prepared by our Moroccan friend. The dinner was hosted at…

Addicted: Bruschetta

Addicted: Bruschetta

Prior to moving to Italy, I enjoyed bruschetta (pronounced in American English: brushetta) from my local Italian restaurant, but never did I think that I would become addicted. Since being…

On life….

"Life is life. A random compilation of events over which I have no control." - My friend D. Scott, when I asked, "How's life?"

Crossing the Street in Rome, Be Careful

I recently wrote a post about my dislikes in Rome, with pedestrian dangers being the first. Sometimes I refer to crossing the street in Rome as being a blood sport.…

Worth A 1,000 Words: Teaching In Japan

Worth a 1,000 Words: Teaching in Japan

For those of you who don't know, from February 2008 - February 2009 I taught English in Japan to students from the age of 6 months - 14 years, and…

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