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Where Am I

Where Am I

The number one question that I get when communicating with people on facebook, twitter or email is "where are you?" This has been pretty consistent since I left Japan in…

Back To Being A Minority

Back to Being a Minority

On the plane from Paris to Rome on the continuation of our exodus from rural Africa to the industrialized world....well Italy for now....I noticed that I was the only black…

がんばって 日本

がんばって 日本

February 2008 - February 2009 I had the pleasure of living in Kusatsu-Shi, which is a suburb of Kyoto, Japan. Over the year I fell in love with the language,…

Have you ever…

...rode on the back of a motorcycle at 60km/h (37mph) down an unpaved road with no helmet? It feels like death coming at you at 100mph (160km/h).

Things that I am longing for

A few of the things that I have been missing since I have been in Benin. Manicures and pedicures. In London, I painted my nails fun colors every week and…

Bye Benin

Ok, so I know I said I was staying here until the end of March but plans have changed.....again. I will be leaving Benin next Friday. Yup, Friday March 18,…

A Weekend in Dassa

So this weekend, the Italian is in town to visit me and say goodbye to our co-workers. Friday night we headed to Amadou's house just before dusk and played with…

Standing My Ground

Everyday I take Zems, which are motorcycle taxis, to the same locations. These include the office where I work, the restaurant where I eat lunch, the pharmacy, the "supermarket" (it…

Ramblings on Democracy

What's the difference between a dictator that does no harm and a democratically elected leader that does no good? I am very happy for countries to be moving towards democracy…

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