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In Need Of An Eyebrow Artist

In Need of an Eyebrow Artist

My eyebrows are my most important facial feature. That may sound crazy and most of you may never notice them, but I am very particular about my eyebrows and like…

My Eat Pray Love Moment

...that awkward moment when you realize none of your pants fit anymore. I have been in Rome for nearly a month and a half and during that time I have…

Bartering In Obama Japan

Bartering in Obama Japan

Right before the best co-teacher of all time, Colin Chu left Japan, at the end of his contract, we traveled to the beaches in Obama Japan - yes, that is…

Celebrating 27

Celebrating 27

Last Sunday I celebrated my 27th birthday and while I wasn't with any close friends, family, or my boyfriend I had a great time with new friends. Continuing in the…

Listening to….ADELE

Every morning I walk 20 minutes from my front door to the gates of my job and I enjoy my me time mostly because of the soundtrack of my sunny…


After 39 job applications, 10 random emails, 15 interviews, 1 medical deferral and approximately 17 months I finally received a full time job (Benin kinda just happened, though I definitely…

Absence. Hearts. Fondness.

Absence. Hearts. Fondness.

Have you ever had your heart ripped out? That is what it felt like at the tear filled goodbye this afternoon in Rome's Fumicino airport. I was boarding a flight…

Observations: Languages

In German, Italian, French, Spanish, Japanese, Swahili, Luganda, and Hindi the letter "i" is pronounced "e" (think the long english e). Yet in English it is never pronounced "e". Why…

Observations: Benin

The Beninese people have no concept of personal space or personal comfort, as demonstrated by squeezing into taxi buses and cars with no complaint.

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