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Detroit Day 30: I LOVE Detroit because…
After 30 awesome days in Detroit this jaunt has come to an end. I have truly enjoyed exploring the city, trying new bars and restaurants and supporting local retailers. I really encourage you to visit Detroit if you have never…
Tags: #30DaysinDetroit, America, Detroit, Michigan, photography, United States
July 27, 2013
Detroit Day 29: Slow Roll, AGAIN!
I have previously written about Slow Roll, a super awesome bike riding event which is held every Monday during the summer. If you have not been, GO!!! This week saw the highest attendance to date with over 600 people. I…
Tags: #30DaysinDetroit, Detroit, Events, Michigan, Slow Roll, United States
July 24, 2013
Detroit Day 28: Brunch and Soup
First Stop: La Dolce Vita I have been hearing about La Dolce Vita for years, but never made my way over. Luckily, with my last Sunday of my #30daysinDetroit, my friend Lesleigh was also willing to try something new. We…
Tags: #30DaysinDetroit, America, Detroit, Eating & Drinking, Michigan, United States
July 22, 2013
Detroit Day 27: a photo project.
I have been exhausted lately between work, blogging, photo editing and exploring Detroit. For my last Saturday in Detroit I decided to just go around and take pictures. I just bought a new camera, the first since 2006 so I…
Tags: #30DaysinDetroit, Detroit, Michigan, photography, United States
Detroit Day 25: Heat wave, 13 miles and a few pictures
This week the heat index has been in the triple digits and since I do not have a car that means a lot of sweat and sunscreen. I have slowed down recently with my exploration of the city and because…
Tags: #30DaysinDetroit, America, Books, Culture, Detroit, Michigan, United States
July 19, 2013
The Day 30 Party
After a very intense and exhausting 26 days in Detroit, time is winding down. I hope that you have enjoyed all of my adventures and I would love to hang out with all of the people that I have met…
Tags: #30DaysinDetroit, America, Detroit, Michigan, Party, United States
Detroit Day 24: Exploring Detroit’s Buildings and Other Adventures
The waffles were delicious! I have been laying a bit low lately because there is a heat wave in the city and I am simply tired of constantly being on the move, but today I managed to get to a…
Tags: #30DaysinDetroit, America, Bars, Culture, Detroit, Eating & Drinking, Michigan, United States
July 18, 2013
Detroit Day 23: Weekday Pool Party
I previously wrote about the Detroit Futbol League, which is an amateur league which has games on Tuesdays and Thursdays, after which they go to a different bar in the city. Well this Tuesday they threw a party at the…
Tags: #30DaysinDetroit, America, Detroit, Detroit Futbol League, Michigan, Pool Party, United States
July 17, 2013
Detroit Day 22: Slow Roll
Today, as most Mondays are, was a more relaxed day. I spent most of the day working, but managed to make two stops worth mentioning. First Stop: Ye Olde Butcher Shoppe I have seen this grocery store on Woodward a…
Tags: #30DaysinDetroit, America, Biking, Detroit, Detroit Bike City, Grocery Store, Michigan, Slow Roll, United States
July 16, 2013
Detroit Day 21: Detroit Soup
I will not detail my entire day as I went to several places that I have already written about, but I must tell you about Detroit Soup. I went to my first Soup a few months ago and fell in…
Tags: #30DaysinDetroit, America, Detroit, Detroit Soup, Michigan, United States
July 15, 2013
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It Is About Race
One sentiment echoed again and again by some segments of the American population is, “this is not about race.” Former NYC Mayor Giuliani recently criticized the current Mayor Bill de Blasio for suggesting that the Eric Garner case had anything
Ramblings on Ferguson
Today marks the beginning of my fourth month officially living in the United States, following a 6.5 year hiatus during which I called Kusatsu, Japan, London, England, Dassa-Zoume, Benin, and Rome, Italy home. After my initial move abroad in 2008,
Thanksgiving is for Travel, not Family
For the last seven years I have spent Thanksgiving outside of the US, part of this has been as a consequence of me not living in the country and partly because I made a conscious decision to use the Thanksgiving
Explore Berlin!
25 years ago today the Berlin wall came down, so I will take this time to urge you all to go to Berlin! I took my first and only trip to Berlin in October 2011 and I have been dreaming
How to Travel on Halloween
I have never really been into Halloween, not that I dislike it, but I have never been one of those people who thought about what costume I would wear more than one week before the 31st, if at all. This
Old country, New City
One month ago I officially moved to Washington DC, becoming a resident of the United States again, following a six and a half year hiatus. So many people ask me how I ended up back in the US and how