Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Do you remember "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?" It was one of my favorite game shows growing up. It was on air from 1991 - 1996 and weekly I would tune in to learn where this crafty woman…
Do you remember "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?" It was one of my favorite game shows growing up. It was on air from 1991 - 1996 and weekly I would tune in to learn where this crafty woman…
i. love. music. I am constantly listening to music from the moment I wake up in the morning to when my eyes close at night. When traveling, whether walking to work, taking a train across country or flying, one thing…
Wow. This is only the second post that I have written this month. Going back to my Goals for 2012 post I see that I am failing miserably. 1. Visit 5 new countries: Sadly, I have not been very motivated to travel…
I am not a huge social networker. I have Facebook, of course, and even a Twitter account, though I don't feel that I use either as frequently as others. I have stayed off of tumblr, though I subscribe to two…
I came across this video in the NY Times. I must've been living under a rock up until now, I didn't know that the UN was the cause of the cholera outbreak in Haiti. After watching this video, I am…
So many times when people ask me why I would prefer to stay abroad as opposed to living in the states, I cite race as a factor. I recognize that I have had a privileged upbringing, as compared to many…
A few weeks ago a friend and I were chatting about travel and wondering who we know that has been to the most countries. She tossed a name into the debate and we discovered that he had been to less…
My second flight of 2012 was a non-stop nine hour flight across the pond to my current city of residence, Rome. After one month in the US, I was heading back "home", whatever that means. Part of me missed the…
Watch live streaming video from worldeconomicforum at livestream.com During the last week, private and public sector leaders, along with government representatives from around the world met for the annual World Economic Forum Meeting in Davos to discuss economic problems in…
If you ever fly into or out of Italy or have the pleasure of sharing a plane with mostly Italians you will always hear a round of applause upon landing. As much traveling as I have done, I have never…