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Hello, my name is Carmen Sandiego and I am obsessed with twittering my life away. I am not a twitter master, as in I rarely retweet and am not quite sure what the # means, but I do tweet or is it twitter, about ten times a day, depending on the nature of my adventures.

So I have to beg the question, why are we all so obsessed with talking about our lives and reading about the lives of others, specifically celebrities? My guess as far as celebrities is that people want to feel closer to them and it actually makes people realize that they are nothing but regular ole people that just happen to be known by many.

I enjoy twitter for following witty friends such as @L10 and @nickeyann or inspirational thoughts delivered by @Deepak_Chopra. It also is a great way to express myself and hope to entertain others with random happenings in my life.

I just wonder what are the rules of twitter and where can I read them. For instance, at what point does one tweet too much? I follow some people that tweet about 40 times a day and they are one click away from being unfollowed. Also, do you have to follow those that follow you? Is it like facebook? Should I follow people just because I know them, or if I don’t find them interesting, is it rude to unfollow? (yes I’ve done this in the past) What is a worthwhile RT? I see people RT all the time and I’m left scratching my head trying to figure out why people find it interesting. Are there inappropriate times to twitter? Is it rude to twitter while on a date, at work, with friends, at dinner, on the toilet, ALL THE TIME (nudging friend)? What the hell is a # and do I need to do that? And when I do it do I have to include the #insertrandomsubjecthere? Is there a list of things that I shouldn’t twitter? Where do we draw the line? Are the things that I put on twitter a reflection of who I am and my personality? If so what does it say about me? @iamdiddy tweets tell me that he is an egomaniacal insomniac, well before I stopped following him.

I ask all these questions, but perhaps we shouldn’t ask anything and we should just tweet like no one is watching.

Why are you obsessed with twitter?

This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. i am also a twitterholic as well. it gives me this great feeling of talking to everyone while talking to no one at all. perfect for those anti-social social butterflies like me 🙂 it’s also a dope way to get the word out about projects you’re working on. team tweet!

  2. the # is for if you want a topic to trend. so when i wrote about star trek, i put the hash there so that it would trend. geeks like me then search topics to see what people are talking about on a particular subject.

    as for twitter as a phenomenon, i have no idea. it’s growing old to me and i actually only follow like 3 celebrities now. erykah once said that it gives her this sense of never being alone. i agree with that. you can always spark up a convo with someone somewhere in the world.

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