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Runyon Canyon Park

My trip to LA was meant to be a mind, body and soul retreat. I am not sure if my hosts knew that before I arrived, but everyone was definitely on board when I announced it. I have been in LA for eight days now and I’ve run 5.2 miles and climbed up a small mountain. When coming to LA, a trip to Runyon Canyon is absolutely necessary, so be sure to pack some good running shoes or cross trainers and head over to Hollywood.

When we arrived in the vicinity of Runyon is was apparent. There were people making their way up the hill and there were no parking spots. We parked two blocks down the hill and by the time we made it to the entrance of the gate I was breathing a bit harder. Once we got through the gate and I saw the views, I was ready to get to the top, plus the first green smoothie of our 30 day challenge was coursing through my veins and I was filled with natural energy.

Initially we started climbing up the most difficult route but a few feet in we turned around, as everyone wasn’t comfortable so we went up the easy way. There was a slight incline most of the way, but when it became a bit steeper, we ran up. Once at the top, it was simply breathtaking. I remain in awe of Mother Nature. We stopped and played around for a bit and of course snapped a few pictures.

In order to kick up the calorie burn, we ran most of the way down and arrived at the snack bar which offers water and granola bars on an honor system basis. Just take your water and drop your dollar in the box. After we finished I was feeling so full of energy that I got everyone to do a bit more jogging until we got to the car. What a great afternoon. Oh except for the part where my thighs were sore for two days. No pain, no gain. 🙂

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